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March 2021

Mar 31, 2021    Steve Stenstrom

As Holy Week draws to an end and Easter approaches, I hope you'll take the time to lean into this Easter and marvel at the eternal life promised to us through Jesus' life, death, AND resurrection.

Below you'll find more information about the different topics discussed in the video:
- The Impact
- Kingdom Cause for April - Convoy of Hope
- The 3:30 Life Coaching

The Impact - Amplify Your Influence for Christ:

This month we want to introduce you to a new opportunity for anyone looking to use their influence for Jesus as we conduct webinars to help you amplify your voice and story through what we're calling The Impact.

Click the attachment below to see what The Impact is all about and contact our Community Manager, Becky York, with questions or for more information. (

Kingdom Cause for April - Convoy of Hope:

This April, we're focused on a newer partner, Convoy of Hope, and invite every woman reading this to join Soulful Sweat on April 9th to work out for a purpose. Each donation will go towards a hygiene kit for a woman in need. You won't want to miss this fun and meaningful opportunity. (Click this link to donate and register today:

The 3:30 Life Coaching:

Lastly, for all the men, I hope you'll prayerfully consider what it might look like to dive into The 3:30 Life Coaching series with me as men around pro sports discover what they're made for and wired to do as followers of Jesus.